Saturday, March 14, 2020

unit 3 Essay

unit 3 Essay unit 3 Essay Unit 3 E1 Legislation are put inplace because it helps to regulate how people act towards others. If there was no laws put in place, then it would not be easy to claim anything or for you to get any help from the authorities.For example if someone steals your car your only recourse is to fight for it because there was no law passed to say that you are not allowed to steal and so therefore no consequences would take place. There are many laws when working with children and I will talk about the: Childcare Act 2006 Children Act 2004 Data protection act 1989 Equality Act 2010 Health and Safety Act 1974 E2 Childcare Act 2006: The Childcare Act 2006 is an act that is based on the new duties forced upon the local authorities in respect to improving the â€Å"every child matters† outcomes for primary school children. It is the first ever act to be concerned about the early years and childcare. Its aims are to reduce inequalities and wellbeing among young children.â€Å"Setting has to follow the Statutory Framework for the EYFS and the Practice Guidance† Children Act 2004:â€Å"designed to ensure that difference services for children and young people work more effectively together†Tassoni,P (2007 page 116).The Children Act of 2004 gavechildren the right to protection from abuse and the right to inquiries to safeguard their welfare. The Children Act of 2004 was introduced after the tragic death of eight year old Victoria Climbià © in 2000. This resulted to keeping children safe from abuse and that every child matters. This Act helps to insure that childcare setting supports every child by improving their well-being, reducing inequalities and giving them high early years provision services that will benefit them Data protection Act 1989: Data protection Act 1989 was introduced to ensure that data is protected. This has to be done accurately and be kept up to date. It isnot to be kept longer than is necessary, and is not to be transferred to sources than it’s needed to be. This information is given out and kept confidential so that no one has access to it and if it has been accessed then should be done appropriately. â€Å"Prevents breaches of information†Tassoni,P (2007 page 99) . This act requires the setting to have polices on parent consent to share information i.e giving out permissions forms, the storage of data and who can access it and how to have a confidentiality policy. Equality Act 2010: This act was passed so that everyone is treated equally. This act protects people from discrimination in the workplace, and in the wider community. It helps ensurethat there is no discrimination and anyone who does have a problem has a right to say. This act also protects discrimination against persons with disabilities. The moral of this act is to make children aware that they have the right to be treated as an individual and are protected from abuse. This act enables the setting to have polices to challenge discrimination in the setting i.e disability access. In my setting they have an inclusion policy where they provide an environment in which all children are supported and also review their practice and provision to see if they need to make adjustments to help the children reach their full potential. Health and safety at work Act 1974: The health and safety act applies to all work places whatever the business. This act is also for everyone at a work place who is affected by their work activities. This act was passed in parliament to extend the deal with particular hazards and work activities. This legislation supports children as the employers need to ensure the workplace is safe for the children, provide first aid when needed, check the right work equipment is provided and is properly used. This act requires settings to have polices for staffs to carry out risk assessments in the setting and evidence on who monitors it, also to have health and safety representatives in the setting. E3 Children can be hurt, abused, or put at risk regardless of

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